The brand new Music Video “Pull My Strings” from Dark Side Of Light
The Obscenity Of A Flower - 100 Years Later - by Nik Frost (Boing Boing)
“Dark Side of Light Channels Feminist Icon Georgia O’Keeffe, Stirring Controversy in New Video” - Vents Magazine
"Dark Side Of Light Delivers A Psych-Pop Opus" - The Sounds Won’t Stop
"Eccentric Alt-Indie Duo Drops Trance-Inducing Single" - Rock n Load Magazine
"Like Grizzly Bear’s younger moodier kid brother" - Postcard Elba
"An amazing treat for music lovers." - Guitaa Magazine
"Pull My Strings is an indie-alt sci-fi dreamscape" - Volatile Weekly
The Obscenity Of A Flower - 100 Years Later
Upon completing the latest music video for our quarantine project/band, Dark Side Of Light, we were shocked, but maybe not actually surprised, to see it immediately red flagged by the various big tech companies for the make up design I had created with our team, make up artists Sven Granlund and Yazmin Vinueza.
The debut original music video “Moist” from Dark Side Of Light
The debut music video “Summer Breeze” from Dark Side Of Light
Glide Magazine - “Summer Breeeze” Video Premier
Boing - “Bummer Summer" - "Summer Breeze" Video Review
"Dark Side Of Light Reveal SoCal Filmed Music Video For Summer Breeze Cover" - Infrared Magazine
"A gentle re-invention of a deeply-rooted seventies-era classic" - God Hates Goth
How I Developed a Collaborative and Creative Production Workflow in Lockdown - by Grant Conway
The Lyric Video for “Summer Breeze” from Dark Side Of Light